Swords Kingdom is one of the leading wholesale online source of replica collectibles, Bowie knives and Damascus Blades. It has served over 30,000 customers worldwide. We have served clients in America, Europe, Australia and Asia-Pacific. Our manufacturing units are held in China and Pakistan.

We also give our customer a drop ship facility. Meaning that our customers can sell our products on eBay, e crater, Amazon and other online stores on the behalf of Swords Kingdom. In this case, we’ll deliver the products on customer’s behalf. As one of the leading wholesalers serving worldwide, it’ll be an honor for us delivering the best quality to your buyers.

Becoming a dealer with Swords Kingdom you will benefit from the following;

Quality Assurance

Replacement of any defected or damaged goods

We got the best courier services at our clearance for ensuring the quickest and safest delivery to your clients.

We check all our products carefully in order to ensure that the product don’t have any defect or damages. The delivery is made after full checking. Your clients will get product warranty with each item they purchase. They will get full replacement of their products if any damage or defect is found in the product upon delivery.

Why Become a Dealer with Us?

swordskingdom.com is an International wholesale website serving globally. As a leading supplier in B2B online trading, we feel honor being world’s most famous payment processor’s one of the major clients in Asia-Pacific region. Our customers are from over 210 countries worldwide including America, Australia, Asia and


We provide customers globally with over 200 high quality products at affordable prices. We also have a professional and dedicated customer service team. Our payment options are secured and user friendly. Through which, we can guarantee a 100% secure online shopping experience from our site.

Quality First

Our products are carefully inspected when they arrive from manufacturer’s place or leave for shipping. Keeping in mind the “quality first” thing, we can claim that the customer will get the best of us.

Fast Delivery & Dropship available

Shipping takes a maximum of 4 – 5 days when the order is confirmed. Our courier will try to reach you as fast as possible. In this time, you can keep an eye on your order through tracking number.


As mentioned before, the products of Swords Kingdom come with a warranty, so that you may replace it if any damage or fault has been spotted.

Effective and Diverse Communication

Feel free to reach Swords Kingdom if you have any kind of problem at any time. You can always reach us by the phone call, email, fax, live chat etc, 24 hours/7 days.