Grab your favorite Replica Hobbit Swords from our Swords Kingdom Platform. We have a wide range of Hobbit Replica Swords, and all of them come with high-quality stainless-steel construction blades.

As they are highly durable, therefore, they will work for a significant number of years. Below-mentioned are some of our quality Hobbit props that you can get.

Sting Sword Replica from Lord of the Rings
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Sting Sword Replica from Lord of the Rings

Original price was: $160.60.Current price is: $74.10.
Hobbit Orcrist Sword of Thorin Oakenshield
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Hobbit Orcrist Sword of Thorin Oakenshield

Original price was: $185.00.Current price is: $71.01.
Hobbit Glamdring Sword of Gandlaf the Grey
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Hobbit Glamdring Sword of Gandlaf the Grey

Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $77.50.
Sting Sword Gold Platted Version
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Sting Sword Gold Platted Version

Original price was: $160.00.Current price is: $74.46.
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The Hobbit Morgul Dagger Blade of Nazgul With Free Wall Plaque

Original price was: $170.00.Current price is: $85.00.