Wonder Woman is the fictional superhero of American comic books. These comic books published by the DC Comics. The Wonder Woman character first appeared in the All-Star Comics 8 in October 1941. The character is the founding member of the Justice League that lives in the island nation of Themyscira. The official title of the Wonder Woman is Princess Diana of Themyscira, but while going outside, she adopts the identity of Diana Prince.

Princess Diana is the daughter of Hippolyta, who was the Queen of Amazons and Zeus. She leaves her house voluntarily to spread the message of peace, fighting for justice and equality in the Man’s World. Diana lived a happy and joyful life upon the island of Themyscira until Steve Trevor comes on the island. A tournament held among the Amazons warriors to determine that who will return to Man’s world along with Trevor. Diana defeated other warriors and came with Trevor in the Men’s world. He fights against the evil forces and wins to spread the message of peace. We have iconic items of Wonder Woman at our store. Check them in detail. Furthermore, check other iconic props from our 300 Spartans Movie.

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Wonder Woman God Killer Sword
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Wonder Woman God Killer Sword

Original price was: $190.00.Current price is: $110.00.
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Wonder Woman Shield Replica

Original price was: $190.00.Current price is: $110.00.